Sunday, March 20, 2016

About Myself

My name full name is Gregoria Dian Puspitasari, but my family and friends call me Pipit. I'm Indonesian and I'm from Surabaya. I was born in Surabaya, 21st of September 1996. Now, I'm 19 years old and I'm going to turn into 20 this September. I am the youngest in my family. I have one elder brother. His name is Fransiskus Xaverius Pratama Adi. He is very patient even I always make a joke around him, he can not angry. I live with my mom and my father. My brother is living in seminary. My mom is Chornelia Maria Magdalena Emi sumintarsih and my father is Casimirus Sumaryana. They are my super parents in the world. They two work work to encourage our life. Eventhough they are really busy with their work, we still can spend our time together in the evening. Just talk and share what we have done that day. If we have a problem, we will discuss and solve it together. That's what I like from my family, supporting each other.

Now, I go to Widya Mandala Catholic University. I take English Department as my major. I'm in the second semester now. At first my mom was the only person who gave me a suggestion to take this major, then I followed her suggestion. Now, I really enjoy this major. I never regret take this major. I hope what I have learned from this major will useful in my future.

I have some close friends from senior high school. They are Mega, Vani, Cikita, and Erwin. We still keep in touch these days. In this university, I have some close friends too. They are Osa, Ammy, Gaby, and Tina. We always spend our time together. Talk about everything and joke around. After class, we will eat at the canteen and waiting for the next class. If the schecule of the next class is very long, we will go the fourth floor, just to relax there, because the wind blows faster at the higher floor. Sometimes we sleep there too. I really enjoy being with them.

This is me
My family and I don't really like watching TV. We rarely watching TV when we have spare time. When I turn on the TV, I'm looking for cartoon. During the holiday, I will turn my TV on to watch Barbie, larva, or other cartoon. I really hate soap opera. I like eating Batagor Bandung, so do my mom, my father, and my brother. Once a month, we buy that food. I also like nasi pecel. Every Saturday morning, my mom buys me nasi pecel. I can't stand smelling durian. It makes me dizzy.

Listening to music is my favorite. I like listening to pop, rock, and jazz music. When I was in senior high school, I like listening to Kpop (Korean pop). Now, I prefer to listen western song than Korean song, even I still listening to Kpop. I don't have a specific favorite singers or bands, but recently I like to listening 5 seconds of summer, Shawn Mendes, and Ed Sheeran's music. I like reading novel too actually, but sometimes depends on my mood. If I am in a good mood, I can finish one novel in 5 or 6 days. Actually I don't like watching horror movies, but sometimes I really want to watch it. The result is, I can not sleep at night, so that I prefer to watch action movie or fantasy adventure movies.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

My Journal


                I still remember the first meeting of writing class last January. Every class gathered in auditorium and the lecturers explained what should we do in writing class this semester. Mr. Taloko told us to create a blog and post our assignment on it. I thought it would be boring because I do not know how to use blog, but I was wrong. It is very interesting. We can read our friends’ assignment and then give them feedback or give response based on their post.

                During learning process in the class, I got important lesson. For instance, we described our friend who sat in front of us or animals appearance, stative verbs, prepositions, talk about our hometown, and so on. My lecturer explained it very clearly, so that I can understand it very well. He gave us many varied example to make us more understand. Sometimes, he told us to come in front of the class to read our answer or wrote it on the white board. He will discuss it and give us a revision and advice. 

Around two weeks ago, Mr. Taloko told us what should we do before the midterm test. He said that that we should make an autobiography and a journal. For an autobiography, it should be written in 2000 words. Actually, I was really shocked, because 2000 words in a week was really short time. After telling us about the tasks, Mr. Taloko said that he would discuss it again with other lecturers. In the following week, Mr. Taloko still did not tell us about the result of their discussion. Of course, I did not do the tasks before he told us the result, but I was worried if the result still written in 2000 words. The next meeting, Mr. Taloko told us about the autobiography should not be written in 2000 words, but at least 250 words. It was a relief. And, we were only asked to post one journal, actually this journal^^


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

My Best Friend, My Family

         To me, one of my best friends is Mega. We are schoolmate since we were on kindergarten. She is over eighteen years old this year. She is taller than me and she has black curly hair. She always ties her hair because she didn’t have any confidence of her curly hair. She is a cheerful person and very easy going person. She can easily adapt with new situation. For instance, she can be the first person who will talk to other even they never meet before. She has so many topics to talk, so we will never get bored. She is very interested in broadcasting since she was in junior high school.
This is Mega and I when we had graduation event in senior high school

           Her family is close to my family. When I was junior high school, I often stayed in her house because my parents went out of city. It makes us closer day by day. We always shared our story, like our family, schools, and so many things. We keep our secrets and nobody know, just two of us. We can understand each other even though we don’t tell what we feel inside, just like I know what she feel. Like any other friendships, we ever misunderstand each other but so far it is not a big deal.

          We spend almost our time with laugh and gossiping. If there is a problem, we just take it easy and sometimes forget it. Last 2 years, I saw her for the first time cry so hard. Her father passed away. When I came to her house, I run to her and she directly cried on my shoulder. Really, I can hold my tears anymore when I know she was very weak at that time. I tried to cheer her up, but all I do just cried with her.
          So, that’s a little story about my best friend. We rarely meet now but we still keep in touch. We go to the same university, but we take different majors.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Surabaya, an Interesting City

In this third post, I write about my hometown, Surabaya.

Surabaya is located in East Java and its become a capital city of East Java. The word of “Surabaya” is taken from a fish names Sura and Buaya, which means crocodile. These two animals represent a heroic event from the past. That’s why the statue of Sura and Buaya is made for symbolizing their battle. This city is also known as a City of Heroes, due the war of people in Surabaya to win independence on 10 November 1945. This incident called Peristiwa 10 November.

Surabaya is Indonesia’s second largest city after Jakarta and it is a modern city. It looks from there are many malls in Surabaya, such as Tunjungan Plaza, Delta, Lenmarc, Marvel City, and so on. Surabaya provides many facilities for who lived in Surabaya. For instance, there are many parks like Taman Kunang-Kunang, Taman Harmoni, Taman Mundu, Taman Bungkul, etc. In Taman Bungkul there is a routine event on Sundays called Car Free Day (CFD). Besides parks, there is also an airport in Juanda, a port in Tanjung Perak and many hospitals in Surabaya. There is an amusement park in here, Surabaya Night Carnival. People can spend their time with their family or friends in there.

Surabaya has many interesting historical sites that can be visited. It can be a building or monument. Hotel Majapahit is one of the historical building. In November 1945, there was an important incident in there, people tore the Dutch flag. There is also Tugu Pahlawan, it reminds us about Peristiwa 10 November which is Bung Tomo lead the war between people in Surabaya and Dutch troops.

I like living in Surabaya because Surabaya provides many facilities like malls, where I can spend my time on the weekend in there with my family or friends, many parks that makes Surabaya more beautiful nowadays.